No Two Legacies Are the Same

We all have a special interest, taste in music or style of clothing that sets us apart. Our personal preferences also factor into the decisions we make—where we live, when we want to retire and how we plan for the future.

This applies to will planning, too.

Whether you are creating or updating your will, be sure that it reflects your wishes. This is your opportunity to remember loved ones as well as causes you are passionate about. Your will should be customized to your needs.

Discover the Potential of Your Will

Will planning is the highly personal process of deciding how your assets will be distributed after your lifetime. But your will can do so much more—it’s not just a legal document to transfer your assets. It is your chance to express your values and show your love to your family and favorite charitable causes.

As you create your will, consider these important questions:

  • How do I want to be remembered by my family?
  • How do I want to be remembered within my community?
  • Are there organizations I am passionate about, such as Child Advocates, that I want to recognize after my lifetime?

A Charitable Legacy

Many people like to leave a gift to organizations such as Child Advocates in their wills as a way to continue supporting causes that are important in their lives. Please contact Suzanne McAndrew at 713-529-1396 ext. 238 or if you need any assistance.